Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Can you dig it?

I have been accepted to join a team at an archaeological dig in Israel this June. It should prove to be an interesting and enlightening experience, and I am looking forward to it. This will be the first time I have ever participated in a dig. I have often thought that digs were intriguing, and so decided that I just needed to try and join one. My friend Dr. John Willis gave me an archaeology magazine which led me to web sites about digs taking place in Israel this summer. From information gleaned from those web sites I applied to join the team digging in Megiddo, and was accepted. * Megiddo is mentioned in Revelation 16:16 as the place where Armageddon will occur. (We might want to set up a phone chain. If The Last Decisive Battle Between the Forces of Good and Evil begins while I am there, I will call you with a heads up.) * For helpful information about Megiddo do a Google search and click on Wikipedia Encyclopedia, or any of the other sites that will come up there. * I will use this blogsite to write about the process of getting ready to go to Israel, and I hope to be able to send periodic entries while in Megiddo. * I will leave for Israel June 10th, and will be there approximately four weeks.


Blogger Kate said...

I am so excited for you and your newest adventure! When you were out of town camping last weekend and called Mom's cell phone while we were painting at the house, she answered, "You're still alive!" Chad said that may be the way we greet you for a while this summer! I hope you have a great experience and I look forward to hearing and reading about it.

May 03, 2006 12:26 PM  

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