Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Modified prayer

My mom died two years ago today. For a year after her death I found that I was still in the habit of praying for her, even though she no longer needed my prayers. I would, out of habit, start a prayer: “Lord, please bless and watch over my mom…” and then would remember that she is no longer here and thus no longer in need of such prayers; and so now I modify the prayer from one of supplication to one of thanksgiving. “Lord, thank you for my mom. Thank you that my life was enriched by her presence. Please take care of her there in heaven. Thank you that she is happy and is living without pain.” * My mother led a difficult life and was often in need of prayers. (Who among us is not?) She was an interesting and caring person. I miss her, but I am glad she is with her family.


Blogger Kate said...

I appreciate this post, Dad, because I found myself almost automatically praying for Nana after she died, and I would have to stop myself. I was sad that I couldn't pray for her anymore even though I was glad she wasn't in pain. I still like to eat grilled cheese sandwiches cut in triangles with Fritos and think about her.

October 06, 2005 12:20 PM  
Blogger jkreggp said...

Chris: In a skewed fashion.

October 06, 2005 1:35 PM  
Blogger JENNY said...

The first time I met some of you guys was at your mom's funeral, KP. She seemed like an amazing woman.

On another note, you have the cutest grandbaby.

October 06, 2005 1:53 PM  
Blogger Summer said...

I miss Nana. I catch myself using "Nana-isms" every now and then, and it makes laugh. My friends wonder where I get these sayings and I just explain that I had an expressive Nana. My favorite is "Mandy Jackson!!!" Who is Mandy Jackson anyway? People ask me this and I don't know. Sometimes I give Ava a bushel and a peck and a hug around the neck from Nana. It makes me sad that she didn't get to meet Ava. Mom told me after I had the miscarriage that she thought of Nana holding my baby for me. It gave me peace. I don't know exactly how heaven works, but I like that image, and I look forward to all being together someday. We'll have alot of stories to catch up on.

October 06, 2005 6:39 PM  

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