New Computer
I have ordered a new computer. I do not know what kind. Actually it will be new only to me. I ordered it at a small computer store on S. 7th - a little mom and pop operation. The computer will have Windows 98 software, which will enable me to type postings at home. (I originally said "at my leisure," but I erased that. Writing is not a leisurely activity.) The man who owns and runs the store said that he will put one together for me and give me a call when he has it ready. He will put it together from whatever spare parts he can locate. I am looking forward to getting it. Presently the only computers we have at the house are two Macs, both of which are over ten years old. * I like owning things that have been discarded by someone. It's like recycling. Someone else used it and rejected it for some reason, and now I am giving it a new life. Almost all the shirts and pants that I own have someone else's name (from the cleaners) in them. I have never owned a new car, nor do I expect I ever will. * This is one reason I enjoy teaching at the school where I presently work. Our students all used to go to school somewhere else, but for some reason (and the reasons are numerous) the schools either rejected them, or they rejected their schools. And so they have chosen to be here with us, and we are doing what we can to try and help them out. * Hopefully my computer will be ready soon, and I will increase my typings.
I hope you enjoy your new old computer. My friends used to get a kick out of stories I told them about your "junking." Jocelyn commented that when she had to take out the trash all she found in the dumpster was trash, but when you did, you found clothes and backpacks and books...I guess it's all in the way you view "trash."
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