Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Thank you readers

Mucho thanks readers for taking a moment to write to me and to let me know that you are tuning in. Always nice to read your comments and to know that you are sharing in this experience with me. * Dear Fam: I love and miss you. Look forward to seeing you again in a couple of weeks and showing you pictures of my time here and telling you about it. * There are approx. 70 college students on the dig team. Most of them are under 21 years of age. The legal drinking age in Israel is 18. Many students are taking a bit too much advantage of their opportunity to go into the kibbutz store and emerge uncarded with armloads of beer and wine. Occasionally renders them uneffective on the tell the next morning. * Some in my area are calling me McGyver for my tendency to grab my Leatherman and rig whatever needs to be repaired - tent poles, new tie downs for the tent ropes that keep the tent from flopping in the afternoon wind, equipment repair, etc. * Students converse about various things on the tel to overcome the boredom of digging, and to distract themselves from the discomfort of the heat and dust. I thought today about my girls when they were playing "Saved By The Bell" trivial pursuit. "When was the first time (so and so) showed up on the program?" (Answer.) "Wrong - he didn't show up until episode five of the second season." * I was able yesterday to educate a bit. Girl asked the group "what the heck is Juneteenth?" No one knew. "It's on my calendar," she said. So I explained where that "holiday" came from.


Blogger Kate said...

If you had been able to use me as a lifeline, you might have been able to participate in the Saved by the Bell trivia game. (Original name--Good Morning Miss Bliss--starring my old Parent Trap favorite, Hayley Mills, as Miss Bliss.) I get a kick out of picturing you working among hungover 18-year-olds. *Just got off the phone with you. It's amazing how clear it is to communicate with you as if you were just down the street. It was so good to hear your voice. When you get back, we'll celebrate Father's Day with a meal of your choice! Love you!

June 21, 2006 11:52 AM  

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