Thursday, May 11, 2006

Thanks for Adams's safety

I went to Adam Andress’s house Tuesday night for a welcome home party. It was very good to see him (thank you most kindly, Lord, for bringing him back from Iraq safely.) His experience there could have gone a number of ways. He showed us his stainless steel Starbucks coffee mug with holes on either side where a bullet from an AK47 passed through. * While at the party I mentioned that I plan, Lord willing, to be in Megiddo for most of June. A man asked me if I would be there June 6th. I told him no. He said there is speculation that something catastrophic may occur there on June 6th because of the Megiddo/Armageddon connection, and because it happens that June 6th of this year will be the sixth day of the sixth month of the sixth year - 666. I plan to arrive on June 10th. Hopefully Megiddo will still be around at that time.


Blogger Summer said...

I was concerned about your safety before I knew about June 6th, but now you really have me worried. But the more I've thought about it, I have to agree with Chris. If Armageddon is going to occur in our lifetime, I think you would rather you be on the frontlines in Megiddo than watching it on television in Abilene. But for Ava's sake, try to keep yourself in one piece so you can come back and tell us about it! I love you, dad!

May 15, 2006 4:53 PM  

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